A National Marathon of 12 One-Hour Programs on Exportability & Innovative Excellence was scheduled in Karachi on 7th September, 2018 titled as “The Octara Debate”. This national event focused on quadrupling exportability and innovative excellence, women entrepreneurs,midsize business economy, national mobilization, alpha-dreamers, techno-calamity and new leadership development. Founders, Thinkers, Strategists, Experts from Pakistan & Globally were having LIVE debates to identify solutions to problems that are standing in the way of large business expansion in Pakistan. This event was freely simulcast LIVE to 50,000 midsize businesses in Pakistan.
An opening to The Octara Debates where Naseem Javed Chariman Expothon introduces Jamil Janjua, CEO TCS- Octara to run nonstop 12 hour marathon with experts from Pakistan and overseas to discuss practical solutions to boost the economy of Pakistan.
A discussion on business women among Tahira Raza, president first women bank Pakistan, Dr Faurrkh Iqbal, Dean of IBA & HRH Dr. Nasreen El- Hashemite Educator on the forefront of UN, highlights that despite all of the constraints for women 50% of entrepreneurial pursuit are opted by women where women are making their mark in the business world.
A reflection on Micro Power nations where Amir Waheed President of Islamabad Chamber of Commerce (ICCI) and Linda Shaffer, Global Consultant talks about the challenges of transforming midsize businesses by capitalizing the rising consumerism and align business with new strategies to deal with changing global environment.
A talk on Technolocalamity where panelist Nameer Khan, Digital Strategist, Fintech and Tausif Malik, Publisher Blockchain Journal on how 5 to 50 million dollar midsize businesses can revolutionize through free tsunami of advance technologies.
A comprehensive discussion between Nazir Vaid Serial Entrepreneur, Anum Kamran CEO and M. Lukman Financial Sector Expert, on the subject of product development and how it is imperative for midsize businesses to come with product that not only fulfill the need of the existing market but also make an innovative product that makes organization ahead of its time.
A one –on –one talk with Moneeza Butt, Partner KPMG on achieving excellence to understand the value of transparency and how big firms like KPMG can provide right set of regulation and guidance on taxation that can help SME’s with the ease of doing business and to mushroom them into larger scale organization.
A panel discussion among M. Lukman, Financial Sector Expert; Imran Jattala, meraPaisa;Saleem Ranjha, BOI & Psychologist Omer Tauseef, on how to institutionalized mid- size businesses and how leaders should confront with challenges of change to sustain in rapid environment.
A Talk on “DIGITAL PLATFORMS” where Muneeb Maayr, Bykea Pakistan and Aneesa Unus, U&I Jewellery are debating on how is it possible to operate like a Multinational organization with little or no cost?
One-on-One Discussion on “ALPHA-DREAMERS” where Shelly Frank, Executive Coach and Innovation Consultant is explaining why 5 billion Global Age connected makes the world-largest-single-force?
One-on-One Discussion on “MID-SIZE BUSINESSES” where Hon’ble Jamil Khan, Ambassador of Pakistan to Libya conversing on how strong is the mid-sized business economy and its growth be quadrupled?
A talk on “VALUE CREATION” where Imran Jattala, meraPaisa; Malik Ahmad Jalal, The Aman Foundation and Jamil Janjua, Octara explains on why generation of value and image is the new art of business.
A talk on “NATIONAL MANIFESTO” where Malik Ahmad Jalal, The Aman Foundation and Adam Dawood, Pioneer, E-COM are debating on why is an official, national manifesto on entrepreneurialism so important at this stage?
A talk on “VALUE CREATION” where Clare Novak, President, Business Leadership Qualities explains on why generation of value and image is the new art of business
A Talk on Fourteen Dimensions of IMAGE SUPREMACY PROTOCOLS by Naseem Javed, Chairman Expothon.
A talk on Key Highlights of The OCTARA Debates where Zahoor Motiwala, AGVEN Private Limited; Imran Jattala, meraPaisa and Jamil Janjua, Octara conversing on an innovative framework of 12-hour marathon with fresh breed of Thinkers/Entrepreneurs.
A talk on “FAMILY BUSINESSES” where Shahzad Abdullah Qureshi, Abdullah Group; Farhan Quettawala, Jaffarjees and Zahoor Motiwala, AGVEN Private Limited are debating why NextGen of family owned business is now the new leaders?
Concluding Remarks by Chairman EXPOTHON, Naseem Javed enlightens the insights of 12-hour marathon of The Octara Debates held in Karachi on 7th September, 2018