Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
Excellency, Professor Dr. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, President, Expothon Africa
Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, PhD, is the First Female and Sixth President of the Republic of Mauritius
from 2015 to 2018. She is a biodiversity scientist, an entrepreneur, author and a public speaker.
Now appointed as President of Expothon Africa, a division of Expothon Worldwide, a Canadian think tank
dedicated to ‘national mobilization of entrepreneurialism of digital platforms of upskilling
for innovative excellence and exportability’ now gaining momentum in Africa.
For over a decade, Expothon geared towards the uplifting of small and midsize
economies in various countries.
Expothon Africa mandated to table plans on “national mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms
of upskilling of innovative excellence and exportability” to selected nations.
A team already engaged with top leaderships in the continent
to assist them with ideas on how to uplift midsize business economies.
Today, the untapped entrepreneurial talent of the youth of Africa will be the new gold.

Akwasi Opong-Fosu
Honorable Akwasi Opong-Fosu is a Ghanaian politician
and a governance and public policy analyst and President of Expothon Ghana
Akwasi Opong-Fosu has previously served as a Mayor, Member of Parliament,
Minister of State Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation
in the Republic of Ghana
He is the Chair of Africa Global Emergence Center and President,
Africa Growth Solutions. Passionate about Africa’s growth,
He has addressed international forums such as the UN, Crans Montana Forum,
The Wall Street Economic Summit, and Marrakech Security Forum among others focusing
on leadership, governance, entrepreneurial and sustainable development.
Akwasi Opong-Fosu has previously served as a Mayor, Member of Parliament,
Minister of State Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation
in the Republic of Ghana
As President of Expothon Ghana, with support of Expothon Team Africa
national mobilization of entrepreneurialism program to uplift and upskill local small
and midsize businesses on innovative excellence and exportability will advance.

Dr. Issa Barro
Dr. Issa Barro, Managing Director, Expothon Senegal
Dr. Barro, currently, Technical Advisor to the Minister of Agriculture of Senegal,
SME sector expert at both the Government level and the private sector, including the Chamber
of Commerce and professional organizations, and supporting new thinking around developing
SMEs and transforming Senegal into a modern emerging economy.
Dr. Barro, Ph.D. in International Management at the International School of Management, Paris, France,
a Masters’ degree in Global Economic Diagnostic at the University Pierre Mendes-France,
Graduate Studies and Professional Development at Boston University
Graduate School of Management, from the University of Dakar.
As Managing Director of Expothon Senegal, Dr. Barros brings direct experiences
of IFC, International Finance Corporation, the World Bank/IFC MSME Access
to the Finance Programme in Mali. The AfDB, the African Development Bank,
the IRDC, International Development Research Centre and the SME Access
to Finance Support Programme in Senegal
Team Africa of Expothon, already engaged with many senior level
governments on National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism will further
add to developments of local business talents in Senegal

Expert in leadership performance team. U.S. Navy Pilot –Squadron Commander – enterprise coaching. M.Sc. Aviation Systems, University of Tennessee, Space Institute, author, speaker, Master of Image Supremacy Protocols, a team member of Expothon for over five years, now appointed Chief of Staff to manage quality and production protocols on large scale.

Expert in facilitation of national and international leadership programs, ‘Medical Leadership’ piloted in Egypt, Iran, Bahrain, Oman, and Sudan. A great speaker and moderator and Master of Image Supremacy Protocols, a team member on our course material for over five years, and global friendly, will fine tune and adjust our programs for Africa.

Expert in Government and wealth management using disruptive technologies transitioning into the new economy, CPA, CA, ORMP and CEO of GenNext Chartered Professional Accountants, Now appointed Director, Trade Group Affairs, a key player for over five years and instrumental in Pentiana project, interacting with trade associations and Chambers.

Expert in planning-management and special-events, MA. LLB, Master on corporate communication with extensive media experience in GCC and Asia, awarded for his contributions and writings he is CEO of Two Way Communications in Bahrain and Special Adviser on Roundtables on Upskilling in GCC, a key player during last decade.

Expert in new dimensions to leadership programs, with 30 years international experience strategic planning, PhD in Biochemical Genetics, Master of Image Supremacy Protocols, our Director of Curriculum and contributor to our training models over five years will realign our contents for post pandemic markets for Africa and worldwide applications.

Corporate philosopher, author, columnist, speaker and founder of Expothon Worldwide, creator national mobilization of entrepreneurialism protocols, now leading global programs.
National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism on Digital Platforms of Upskilling for Exportability
is now a new frontier to cope with the post pandemic world. Today, there is a new global-age mantra;
constant learning, constant disruption, constant advancements, constant dialogues,
because suddenly, combined into one single global calamity,
“Work + Office + Health + Money + Politics + Future”
all forcing new thinking and bringing impossible ideas, people
and faraway lands closer, right on your desk.
Expothon Worldwide is a Canadian Think-tank that has developed the protocols on
“National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism on Digital Platforms
of Upskilling for Exportability and Innovative Excellence”
A decade in making and now gaining global attention. It is equipped with an extensively researched curriculum
and 100+ experts on upskilling, reskilling, exportability, innovative excellence
and global expansion tactics and ready to transform 10K, 100K, or 1000K
Small Medium Enterprises owners to become global-age experts.
Tactical and combative battlefield training modules delivered in simultaneous synchronization
integrated in order to achieve global-age skills.
Are there 2000 or 20,000 small medium enterprises within a nation currently doing
USD$1 million to USD$20 million in annual turnover and ready to quadruple their performance, productivity
and profitability and display their goods and services on the global stage?
Are national regions ready for national mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms?
Are local trade groups, chambers and associations of the nation in agreement to uplifts for exportability?
Are local agencies fully skilled to cope with such global-age transformational challenges?
What are the benefits when such issues are not new funding dependent,
rather execution and mobilization starved?
Most nations are already flooded with massive innovations, but lacking massive commercialization.
There are over certifications and degrees but seriously lacking business directions. There are
empty incubators and exhausted accelerators like real estate projects. There are
economical development programs but without mega punch
The world can easily absorb unlimited exportable ideas in unlimited vertical markets.
The well-designed innovative ideas are worthy of such quadrupled volumes.
The entrepreneurial and dormant talents of a nation are capable of such tasks.
The new global age skills, knowledge and execution are now the only missing links.
How can a region deploy mobilization of entrepreneurialism on digital platforms
of upskilling and innovative performance for exportability and impact
local midsize business economy?
Contact: nj@expothon.com

Charles Tee Rowe
President/CEO of America’s Small Business Development Centers, SBDC is national trade association representing the 1,100 location network of small business development centers. Chairman of the Foundation for Small Business Development. Expert with 20+ years experience in the Legislative and Executive branches and the private sector..

Khaled El Gohary
Khaled is a management professional with 20+ years of diversified experience in the field of Executive Education, Nations Leadership Development, quality management, business excellence, training and development and strategic advisory services and he is an advisor to leadership and capacity building to the UAE prime minister’s office.

Mahmood Rafique Chaudhry
Mahmood MA. LLB, Master on corporate communication with extensive media experience in GCC and Asia, awarded for his contributions and writings he is CEO of Two Way Communications in Bahrain and Special Adviser to Naseem Javed on Roundtables on Upskilling in GCC.

Asifa Baig
Asifa, CPA, CA, ORMP and CEO of GenNext Chartered Professional Accountants, experienced in Government and wealth management using disruptive technologies transitioning into the new economy.

Ahlam Yusuf Janahi
President of Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society, a solid entrepreneurial and networking executive with extensive experiences in events and regional activities leading charge on entrepreneurialism

Ales Budja
CEO and Project Manager at Slovenian Chamber of Tax Advisers.Representative of Slovenia in Professional Affairs Committee and General Assembly of Confederation Fiscale Europeennee.

Hdeel Abdelhady
Attorney and Strategy Adviser, Principal, MassPoint Legal, Washington, DC. Counsel to banks and companies on transactions and AML, FCPA/anti-corruption, and related compliance/governance matters, with regional experience includes matters involving the United States, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe.

Thomas Fletcher Grooms
Visiting Professor in Russia, China, Hungary, England, United States – Travel to Over 20 Countries. Henley Ph.D. (HBS-England) (Mkt- Int Bus-Econ), Ph.D. (Global Bus-Econ), J.D. (Law), M.B.A. (Mkt-POM), M.Sc. (Int Bus-Econ), B.S. (Pol Sci-Econ).

Mohammed AL-Audah
Chairman at The Higher committee for the Arab Young Businessmen Forum, Chairman Saudi Jordanian Business Council, Board Member Council of Saudi Chambers. Chairman and the board, and publicly live the mission of the AL-Audah Group. Representing the AL-Audah Group in exhibitions, conferences and formal meetings.

Saif Al Bakeri
Director of Organization Development Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council.Director of Organizational Development Division at the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC), a government entity in Abu Dhabi established to raise the quality of Abu Dhabi’s exports and locally traded products.

Dato’ Azmi Mohd Ali
A senior corporate lawyer, a professional director, a business adviser and a mentor, started as In-house counsel for Petronas (1984-1990). In private law practice in mainly M&As, corporate, project, commercial and transactional activities for more than 24 years.

Hussam Raouf
Chairman, RAOUF advisory, Hussam was head of The Retail Real Estate at the world recognized Emaar Properties, with extensive experience of large scale, real estate projects, mega Shopping Malls and Retail Design, Development. Hussam is advising Governments globally on massive Retail Planning, Management re-positioning of operating assets, urban planning and Innovative trends.

Mukund Cairae
Chief Executive Officer – Middle East and Africa, Zee Network. A veteran television management professional, Currently heading the Middle East territory for Zee, and managing Zee’s Sports Business including Ten Sports for the region.

Ali Nimer
Regional Government Solutions Director – Gulf Microsoft-Chief Information Officer & Deputy Director of Administration and Management Services-IRENA. Diverse international experience in dealing with senior executives and management at the organization and intergovernmental level.

Tarek Elmourad
Division Director at Abu Dhabi Education Council leading the Program and Performance Management division since April 2007. Established and managed the Office of Institutional Research at the American University of Sharjah and the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at Abu Dhabi University, UAE.

Dr. Nabil Harfoush
Associate Professor – Strategic Foresight & Innovation Program at OCAD University, operational experience in both domestic and international settings. Extensive consulting experience with enterprises, national governments, and international organization

Annurag Batra
Chairman, BW, Businessworld, is one of the oldest as well as most respected business publications in India. Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of exchange4media Group, which includes India’s leading publications like PITCH, Impact, Franchise Plus, and Realty Plus.

Isra’a Mobideen
Director of Strategy & Excellence, Implementation of EFQM and Dubai Government Excellence Program models, applying to all local and global awards, licensed EFQM expert.

15 Monster Trends of 2015 – Keynote
DMF 2015 Digital Media Forum Dubai – Dubai Westin Hotel UAE March 24- 25 2015
Image Supremacy of Nations
IIR-IBC Citizenship Summit Middle East – Madinat Hotel, Dubai April 28-29 2014,
Innovation & Soft Power Management – Keynote
Middle East Banking Innovation Summit – Expotrade – Sofitel Palm Resort Dubai October 7-8 2013
Image Supremacy of Entrepreneurial Nations
Global Citizen Forum –Arton Capital – Armani Hotel, Burj Khalifa September 14 -2013

Jeffrey Alan Lovelace, MBA Massachusetts USA
Expertise: creative business expansion strategies, international markets. Experiences: high performance, innovative processes, technology & management. Education: MBA American University Washington, D.C.Extra: Author, speaker.

Richard M. Highsmith, M.S. Florida, USA
Expertise: Entrepreneurship, guest lecturer at Harvard Business School. Experience: HP, NCR, BP, NASA, Siemens, Merck, Baxter, Novartis, Pfizer, Deloitte. Education: M.S., Community Psychology, University of Central Florida. Extra: Author, speaker.

Linda Shaffer-Vanaria, M Sc. California USA
Expertise: Leadership performances leap team. Elite team of 40 change agents. Experiences: U.S. Navy Pilot –Squadron Commander – enterprise coaching. Education: M.Sc. Aviation Systems University of Tennessee, Space Institute. Extra: Author, speaker. Special Assistant to Naseem Javed on Corporate Affairs – USA

Thomas Erickson
Expertise: management development, coaching and consulting. Experiences: Certified Trainer – Kepner Trego, Leadership Circle 360. Education: MA – Organizational Management. Extra: Author, speaker

Jonathan Jordan, M.S. Florida USA
Expertise: Mass change agent, organizational re-engineering, finance Experience: Award- McDonald’s global HR work, million employees, 120 countries.Education: Master of Science, Social Science, Florida State University USAExtra: Author, speaker

Dr. Kim Malloy, PhD California USA
Expertise: Six sigma performance management, culture change specialist. Experiences: DuPont, Toyota, Merck, Kia, Kroger Foods, LG, Pfizer, Genentech. Education: PhD Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Allient University California. Extra: Author, Special Assistant to Naseem Javed on Corporate Affairs – Asia

Patricia Noonan, MPA Colorda USA
Expertise: Moving leaders forward in organizational and strategic competencies. Experiences: multi-national companies, designing processes to foster growth. Education: MPA Organizational Development San Diego University California. Extra: Author, speaker

Clare Novak
American, Team Leader Expothon Faculty Pakistan,Speaker, Author, Her 25 years’ experience extends to energy, telecommunications, manufacturing, banking and pharmaceuticals. Ms. Novak achieved international recognition in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Africa as well as North America and Master of Image Supremacy Protocols.

Dr. Drumm McNaughton, PhD California USA
Expertise: management consulting, strategy and change management. Experience: Trident University, managed 24 faculty, 40 sections, 1000 MBA students. Education: Ph.D., Human – Organization Systems Fielding Institute, Santa Barbara, CA. Extra: Author, speaker

Kevin C Pitts, MBA New Jersey USA
Expertise: design and develop epic events that create a shift in leadership practices. Experience: SABIC, Kimberly-Clark, P&G, Unilever, AT&T, Panasonic, DuPont. Education: MBA University of Virginia USA. Extra: Author, Speaker

Debra Sue Westlake, MA Florida USA
Expertise: Management change and expansion. Experience: Wide experience in organizational training and international expansion. Education: M A University of Utah, University of Phoenix, Salt Lake City, USA. Extra: Author, speaker

Dr. Gerald G. Polesky, PhD Arizona USA
Expertise: Motivator, original implementer of Six Sigma into General Electric. Experience: Authority in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity. Education: Doctorate in Organizational Development and Behavior. Extra: Author, speaker

Dr. Richard Schuttler, PhD Arizona USA
Expertise: intellectually disciplined in applying higher-order thinking skill sets. Experience: Mass trainings, Ministry of Health, Muscat, Fortune 1000 organizations. Education: PhD- Applied Management and Decision Sciences Walden University, USA. Extra: Author, speaker.

Dr. Isabel Marlene Thorn, PhD Maryland USA
Expertise: Strategic Leadership and Change Management. Experience: Senior Role, International Monetary Fund, DC and global offices. Education: PhD University of Maryland. Extra: Author, speaker

Dr. Sarah Layton, PhD Florida USA
Expertise: business development, multi-billion dollar operations, worldwide experience. Experience: Senior management leadership on innovation and performance. Education: Doctorate in Business Administration, Huizenga Florida. Extra: Author, speaker. Special Assistant to Naseem Javed on Corporate Affairs – India.

Naseem Javed, Toronto, Canada
Founder, Image Supremacy Movement, Team leader, Octagon Formation, Founder, Mentorian Worldwide.