Expothon Worldwide

Big Picture  Overview The biggest national hidden treasure of country is its hidden entrepreneurial talent; massively un-tapped, un-discovered, and un-commercialized but always ready for mobilization.

Program Energizes National Agenda  Expothon helps showcase national entrepreneurial mobilization of enterprise wide performances. Expothon blends real pragmatism with national themes via solid deliverable platforms. National stage role encourages major trade associations to also join the charge and shine

Program Creates Mobilization Readiness Assists nation to identify 1000 to 10,000 high potential small enterprises for global age expansionAssist creating major agenda contents on Global Age National Entrepreneurialism & Exportability

Why Program Improves Current Status We are already flooded with massive innovations, but lacking massive commercialization.We have over certifications and degrees but seriously lacking business directions, We have empty incubators and exhausted accelerators like real estate projects,We have economic development programs but often without mega punch

The program creates alternates to top ten most difficult national transformational challenges: Why is Entrepreneurialism taught in class rooms? Armies are not, they are in tactical combats. Why global age connected society of Alpha-dreamers is being ignored? They are over 2 billion.Why is Technocalamity; free overflow of technology so feared? It is altering business landscape.Why is soft power asset management so foreign over hard asset thinking? The lack of new thinking. Why will population rich nations take over knowledge rich nations? Nations are confused.Why are national innovation and incubation mantras single day photo-ops? But for how long. Why are super power nations challenged by micro-power-nations? By quadrupling exportability.Why are typical conference models becoming obsolete? Push button global thought leadership access.Why is global collaborative synthesizim so misunderstood? Old thinking lacks global age understanding. Why are diversity, entrepreneurialism and women power considered threat? Lack of global age wisdom

The program assists with top five  most critical national performance challenges: How can Trade Associations become 24x7x365 alive high performance global marketing machines How can Awards & Annual events become 24x7x365 high quality deliverers of 365 days of programs How can Houses of trade and Chambers become 24x7x365 value with 365 days of global programming How can Export development hunting operate at 24x7x365 high value global performance levelsHow can Government’s economic programs become 24x7x365 superior command and control

The time to change has already passed, the time to mobilize and revolutionize has started.

Fact: In next 1000 days we arrive at 2020 where new worldwide processes of block chained-economy tarts eliminating some one billion white collar office workers. In further 3650 days China becomes the world’s largest economy, global shifts of image supremacy start opening brand new doors. This createsfertile grounds for new debates and global age discussion giving confidence to local entrepreneurialism.

Fact: every night, when we fall asleep, three quarter of the world is wide awake; churning, consuming, producing and dancing in its glory. The new hyper accelerated world is spinning without waiting for any one person or one mighty nation. This creates the natural need for speedy deployments and executions.

Entrepreneurial Competency Quotient:

Today’s hyper accelerated new global age is not “highest intelligent quotient” driven; but rather “entrepreneurial competency quotient” centric. This is where innovative thinking and global age execution styles engage into collaborative synthesizim for superior quality trading. This erases the old class room knowledge models of sluggish bureaucracies based on fears, insecurities and shared dogmatic confusions. A brand-new world is wide open to smart nations.

Our Profiles:

What is Expothon? What is Mentorian? Who is Naseem Javed?

Mentorian Worldwide is a Canadian organization that has developed the Expothon Strategy Global Program.  It is equipped with 100 experts in innovative excellence who are ready to transform up to 1000-10,000 or million enterprises owners to become global-age experts. Tactical and combative battlefield training modules delivered in simultaneous synchronization are integrated in order to achieve  global-age skills.

Naseem Javeda Canadian, is founder of Mentorian Worldwide and now leading a worldwide movement on how to create ‘supremacy of innovative excellence and business leadership performance’ via high speed ‘mass market penetration strategy implementation modules’ His latest work is getting global attention. He also conducts special ‘CEO Executive Workshops’ and ‘Global Age Strategy Sessions’ to create more powerful marketable ‘High-Value Global Corporate Assets’. Naseem is a world recognized authority on corporate nomenclature, global and domain naming complexities, and cyber affairs, a world-class speaker, syndicated columnist and author of several books.

Naseem founded ABC Namebank some 35 years ago, led teams and personally created image personas and name identities that some are still alive and dancing and creating $20 plus Billions of dollars in combined annual revenue for their rightful owners; TELUS, CELESTICA, INTRIA, GENNUM, VINCOR, DUPLIUM, AGRICORE, POLLARA,TRANZUM, INTEQNA, OMNI-TV and ZARLINK and hundreds more. He has also helped clients on various global nomenclature complexities like IBM, General Motors, Texaco, Honeywell, Bell Pakistan, KPMG, BellSouth, RBH, GENTRA, CENTERPOST, OMNI-TV, Royal Bank, SaskTel, Johnson & Johnson, Air Canada, Radio Shack, Merck, BBDO, PetroCanada, ROGERS and COMPORIUM and hundreds more. He wrote ‘Naming for Power’ in 80s, ‘Domination, the gTLD name games’ in 2012 and Image Supremacy in 2013.

Key Links:

Founder Mentorian Worldwide              2014               www.mentorian.com
Founder ABC Namebank                      35 years         www.abcnamebank.com
Author Image Supremacy                     2014               www.imagesupremacy.com
Author Domination                                2012               www.metrostate.com
Author Naming for Power                     1993               www.namingforpower.com
Biography Naseem Javed                                             www.naseemjaved.com

Contact: Naseem Javed  nj@mentorian.com Tel: 905 794 0039      www.mentorian.com

Advanced Reading:

National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism

Chambers of Commerce and national trade associations: All are welcomed

National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism In Ghana 

Hold Innovation & Mobilize National Entrepreneurialism 

Ivanka Trump Ignites Women Entrepreneurialism 

Sink or Swim: Nouveau Economical Survival Strategies 

The World Awaits for Smart Nations 

Coming of the Age of Tolerance 

Innovative Election Platforms: 2020 

Collaborative Synthesizim and Innovative Nations

National Mobilization of Entrepreneurialism

Chambers of Commerce and national trade associations: All are welcomed

Easeus Lisans Kodu 2024

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